Friday, February 04, 2011

Christmas - December 2011

The science experiment. A 100 year old
recipe for Plum Pudding made 10 months earlier.
Finally time to douse it in cognac and set it aflame on Christmas Eve.
It was actually very good.

Neighborhood kids...

Collin, Gigi, Laurabeth, Sam & Chloe

Gigi & Collin

Chloe, Sam & Laurabeth

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Christmas Tree Farm - November 2010

40 acres to roam... the first tree we came to was perfect.

She's suspicious...

Papa's moving in...

Sloppy Papa kiss averted.

Zip Line Adventure - November 2010

Lots of fun with friends.
Beautiful early November afternoon.
10 line zip course - the longest was 1200 feet long and 200 feet off the ground... you can get going about 50 miles per hour.

Chloe ready to go...

... and she's off...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Emmys - October 2010

Chloe had the opportunity to help out with the
regional Emmy Awards. Here she is with the Mistress of Ceremonies - Ellie Kemper - A St. Louis native and star of the TV show, The Office.

The 'hair.' Only one bottle of hairspray.

Road Rally Rogers' Style - September 2010

We hosted a Digital Road Rally. Teams had to
take pictures of themselves doing crazy clues. Each team had a prop that had to be in each picture = a giant cell phone, a giant cowboy hat, a giant key, a kitchen sink, a bowling pin.

Here are jsut some of the more humorous pictures.

In a car wash.

on a trampoline

Abbey Road

With a firefighter... extra points if the truck is in the picture.

Man on the team in a woman's dress.

Human pyramid in front of furniture store on a busy highway.

Acting out the sign.

In a showroom bathtub.. yes, in a store.

Mattress store. Extra points if you can get the sales clerk on the bed with your team.

Team portrait in the craft store.

Hardware store lawnmowers. Extra points if you can get a employee to get on on of the mowers.

Monday, August 30, 2010

College Freshman - August 2010

All moved into his dorm room.

It's the neatest his closet will
EVER be.

Checking out the view.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Chloe's 15th Birthday - July 2010

With Collin finally home
we headed down to the
U-City Loop for dinner at
Blueberry Hill
and Fro-Yo (frozen yogurt)
to celebrate Chloe's

Collin's Return - July 2010

After one year of living/working in
Switzerland, Collin came home
July 29.

Our first glimpse of Collin
as he walks out of the terminal
at Lambert Airport.
He was crazy tired - flew from
Zurich to London, London to Chicago,
and Chicago to St. Louis.

We had Collin's favorite
meal of Lion's Choice Roast
Beef Sandwiches
waiting for him at home.

He also enjoyed having ICE in his drink for the first time

in a year.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Bull Shoals Lake, Theodosia, MO - July 2010

A weekend at Brent
& Valerie's lake house.
Tom took the 'wetbike'
for a whirl. It's like a
ski-do but with a
much trickier balance.

Sunset cruise

Brent & Valerie

Monday, July 05, 2010

Tin Roof, Rusted! The B-52s - July 2010

We had front row & back stage passes
to see the B-52s under the Arch at the city's 4th of July celebration.

You can see Chloe
in the background between
the two band members.

Lots of fun...

Private Idaho
Love Shack
Rock Lobster

It's the second time Chloe
has seen the B-52s.

Snapping Good Time - June 2010

Chloe and some
neighborhood friends
found a snapping turtle
crossing the street.

Afraid he'd get smashed
by a car, they decided to
give him a sled ride to the creek
behind our house.

Chloe, Laurabeth & Sam
and the turtle