Monday, October 29, 2007

'hood Halloween 2007

Costume Party at the Gordon's.

A new toaster to the first person to guess what we are.

The 'Hood....
Ron as "Sol Bunyun" (can't see his yamika in the photo), Pam & Dan as "She's a little bit Country... he's a little bit Rock & Roll", Bryan as an FBI Agent, Madalyn as "Off Season, Outta Shape Easter Bunny who's angry because Halloween ain't his gig" , Sallie as a "MO-DOT" worker, and Christy & Chip workin' the diner as "Mel & Flo."

Decisions, decisions - October 2007

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Parkway West Homecoming - October 2007

Collin and his date, Gigi.
They both have crazy
curly hair.

Woof Softly and Carry a Big Stick - October 2007

Brio's backyard fun.