Monday, August 30, 2010

College Freshman - August 2010

All moved into his dorm room.

It's the neatest his closet will
EVER be.

Checking out the view.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Chloe's 15th Birthday - July 2010

With Collin finally home
we headed down to the
U-City Loop for dinner at
Blueberry Hill
and Fro-Yo (frozen yogurt)
to celebrate Chloe's

Collin's Return - July 2010

After one year of living/working in
Switzerland, Collin came home
July 29.

Our first glimpse of Collin
as he walks out of the terminal
at Lambert Airport.
He was crazy tired - flew from
Zurich to London, London to Chicago,
and Chicago to St. Louis.

We had Collin's favorite
meal of Lion's Choice Roast
Beef Sandwiches
waiting for him at home.

He also enjoyed having ICE in his drink for the first time

in a year.